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Career and Leadership Mentorship Program
Program Starts:
Sunday, 01/01/23 - 12:00
Program Ends:
Tuesday, 31/12/24 - 12:00

Black professionals are partnered with well experienced mentors from various industries. These mentors will assist in facilitating the development of strong industry-specific skills reinforced with real-world experiences. Proteges in the program will work towards achieving 6 milestones and at the end of the program, be better prepared to achieve their career goals with meaningful, relevant knowledge and expertise. Matches are made throughout the year.

Program Duration - 6 months

Our Program objectives are to:

  • Identify strengths, skill gaps, and/or areas of improvement or recommendations for next steps in career development
  • Develop soft skills that will bolster your career and leadership development  i.e. communication skills, conflict resolution, networking, teamwork, emotional intelligence or resilience 
  • access a support system to advance your professional development
Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program
Program Starts:
Sunday, 01/01/23 - 12:00
Program Ends:
Tuesday, 31/12/24 - 12:00

Black entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs are matched with well-established entrepreneurs who can provide strategic guidance on related industry. This stream offers the opportunity to learn from someone who can develop your entrepreneurism. During the program, proteges will work towards achieving six milestones with their mentor; providing the opportunity for proteges to learn from experts, and focus on key aspect of their improving their business. Matches are made throughout the year.

Program Duration - 6 months

Our program objectives are to:

  • Leverage the power of relationship, feedback, story-telling, and community to support Black entrepreneurs in navigating particular business problems and/or opportunities (i.e. business development, fundraising, etc.). 
  • Create positive, meaningful and collaborative connections between Black Entrepreneurs in Canada. 
  • Build awareness of relevant resources available to Black entrepreneurs in Canada (people, websites, tools, funding, etc.) to support business growth.
  • resources available to Black entrepreneurs in Canada (people, websites, tools, funding, etc.) to support business growth.

Learners Mentorship Program
Program Starts:
Friday, 01/09/23 - 12:00
Program Ends:
Tuesday, 31/12/24 - 12:00

Black high school or post-secondary education (PSE) students are matched with established industry mentors within their field of study to provide guidance on their future or current career paths. We run 2 cohorts per year and align our program with the school calendar year: September - December and January - April. During the program, proteges will work towards achieving 4 milestones with their mentor directly related to present challenges they are facing and goals they would like to achieve. 

Program Duration - 4 months

Our Program objectives are to:

  • Create positive, meaningful and collaborative connections between Black students in high school and post-secondary with industry professionals.
  • Enable those students to explore their interests in an industry of choice.
  • Create opportunities for Black students to gain practical workplace and career insights from industry leaders.
  • Support students in developing a plan and/or strategy towards their future or current career and/or educational goals.
  • Support students/ proteges to bolster their emotional intelligence.